Burn Permits
How to get an agricultural burn permit online
To register in the online burn permit application system:
Use the step-by-step burn permit application user guide.
Sign up for a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account. SAW is a platform used by Washington state agencies for information security.
Skip this step if you already have a business account in SAW.Log in to your SAW account, using Chrome or Firefox or Edge.
Add the Air Quality Application portal to your list of services in SAW.
Create a profile in the Air Quality Application portal.
Add the Burn Permit Application to your list of applications in the Air Quality Application portal.
Open the Burn Permit Application through the Air Quality Application portal to submit your burn permit application.
A burn permit will not be issued immediately. Before a burn permit is issued, the permitting agency must review the application. A decision is usually made within 7 business days after payment or submittal of a free burn permit application.
For help: email agburnteamero@ecy.wa.gov
The Department of Ecology requires a permit for most agricultural burning.
Rock Lake Conservation District is authorized to issue full field and spot burning permits. All burning must comply with local burn bans. Applications are available at our district office, or can be printed from the links provided below.
Don’t forget to bring your field maps of desired burn locations!
*Supplemental application, you’ll also need a field burn permit.
Additional Information and Resources
Do I need a permit?
How much does it cost?
For information on the daily agricultural burn decision, please call 1-800-406-5322 or sign up through email to receive daily updates.
To report illegal burning or smoke, please call the Department of Ecology’s 24-hour hotline at 1-866-211-6284.